Saturday, October 13, 2012

To whom is also concerned about our collective situation: 

My name is Sean Seybold - American, Texan, and a citizen of this planet. I am writing this letter to you who has governmental authority to inject change into something that remains unchanged to this day. That something is a perpetual and aggressive divide of my fellow people. I believe this is because of our two-party system.

Each side claims to represent a better way for everyone. This implies that the way it is isn't satisfactory and it never is for those who did not vote for whichever side wins. There will always be a side that doesn't win. So than half of us are left upset every 4 or 8 years because change we want for ourselves and our loved ones won't happen and the other half expect it to be better for them and their loved ones. So no matter when it is, half the American people will be upset depending on which party beat out the other. The truth is, we are all our same loved ones and would not choose what isn't best for each other. We want freedom to choose not freedom to choose someone to choose for us.

We have a government who isn't unified with its self.  Each and every party represents our only vehicle for change. And the choices for what to change show symptoms of a mentality that isn't really interested in change at all. Things just flip flop back and forth for as long as there is a two party system. 

Another problem lies with the range the government has with its self-claimed authority. It controls areas that infringe upon our God given rights as sovereign human beings. The fact that we let the government infringe upon us in any way is cause for alarm.

It all feels like a destructive machine that can't and won't stop itself. It's time to evolve our way of managing our planet together. It's time to recognize the negative influence of this on-going political clash.

I would choose to start fresh with all new people and all new ideas. Where can I vote for that?

-Sean Seybold